Learn about the latest in foodservice and restaurant management technology. This week’s articles cover why many restaurants are turning to apps, how to use the data gained from branded apps and what you need to make sure your mobile experience includes.
1. Brand Refresh: Revamping Your Customer Experience in the Digital Age
Modern Restaurant Management – Catering to customer preference isn’t as easy as just creating a digital experience. You need to understand what your customers want from your app and deliver an experience that gives them value that will build loyalty. Read More
2. 3 necessities your mobile-ordering experience is probably missing
Fast Casual – Mobile ordering is leading to increasing revenues for brands who take advantage of it. But you need to make sure it has everything you need for it to be secure and easy to use. Read More
3. Many happy returns: 4 brand leaders discuss customer retention strategy
QSRweb – Knowing who the customer is, partly through data gained from customer loyalty programs, is a key part of success. Read More
4. Garbanzo’s, Jimboy’s Tacos, Nekter execs drop some (data) knowledge
Fast Casual – What do you do with data you collect? Pay attention to what customers want, but try not to overthink it. Read More
5. Training is broken in the restaurant industry: Here’s how to fix it
Fast Casual – It’s time to start making training accessible. Your employees are more likely to have a smartphone than a laptop. So why doesn’t your training reflect that? Read More