Updated on: June 27, 2023
Our industry-leading enterprise restaurant software has been upgraded! We’re proud to introduce our newly revamped Food Safety Module and Operations Module checklist tools!
Say hello to a fully overhauled UI/UX, with a wide array of new features and functionalities to provide you with an enhanced and intuitive user experience. With these updates, we’ve made it even easier for your restaurants to complete their daily workload, streamline operations, and get more granular insights into your restaurants’ safety and efficiency.
Check out the video tutorial overview:
Let’s take a detailed look at some of the new features.
Merged Tasks Between Modules
We’ve made it easy for customers to have all of their checklists and tasks organized in one place whether it’s operations tasks or food safety tasks, to streamline ease of use from one central location. Easily run reports on one or both modules as needed.
Customers that use just one of these modules will still benefit from all of the featured updates from this release in their corresponding module as well!
Multiple Question Types
Complete tasks in a variety of new ways to provide you with more ways to capture essential data and provide additional reporting. With expanded answer types, you can better customize how your restaurants complete tasks.
Expanded answer types now available:
- Yes/No
- Date
- Time
- Date & Time
- Numeric Field
- Rating (1-10 custom setup)
Offline Mobile Capabilities
Conduct checklists in locations with unstable internet connections (such as a fridge or freezer) using our offline mode, with data automatically syncing to your device once a connection is restored.
Copy, Pause, & Resume Checklists & Tasks
Easily copy your favorite checklists and tasks. Pause checklists or tasks that are not applicable, without impacting your reporting, and easily resume them if needed. This ensures your records remain accurate and up to date.
Lock & Unlock Checklists
Checklists can now be locked at specific times to ensure operational procedures are carried out correctly and on time. This update gives managers a more realistic picture of the data from the above store position and provides further accountability. Checklists may also be unlocked within designated timeframes for more flexibility and control.
More Scheduling Options
We’ve added a variety of new scheduling options, with even more slated to come this year! We’ve added the ability to easily create repeating tasks or checklists, by day, week, or by month based on your individual restaurant’s needs.
Additionally, we’ve added the ability to set a due date time as well for individual tasks and checklists for time-based initiatives such as “turn on the lights at 9 am.” This also makes it easy for your employees to quickly see how much time is left before an individual task is due.
Link from Your Document Library
Seamlessly link manuals and documentation to specific tasks, improving accessibility and simplifying reference for your employees. Link any training materials needed for any specific task to further simplify employees’ tasks.
Extended Corrective Actions
We’ve added extended corrective actions for both modules, with more extended corrective actions in the pipeline for this year. Enforce the addition of pictures or notes for both Operations and Food Safety Checklists, ensuring comprehensive task completion. Additionally, we’ve also created an on-manager sign-off, so that managers will have the option to add a note and/or a photo as their own corrective action.
Additionally, for our Food Safety module, now you can require temperature retakes for tasks that fall outside of the defined limits set for greater accuracy.
Parts Per Million Added to Food Safety Checklists
Meet industry standards with the ability to set limits and corrective actions all right within its own space in the checklist tool on our Food Safety module.
Assign Checklists by Location & Roles
We’ve added the ability to assign checklists to individual locations, to make it easier for HQ to set up and streamline tasks across locations. Individual locations still have the ability to create custom checklists at the store level, but this update gives HQ the ability to assign checklists to all or select stores from a corporate level.
Individual locations can now also assign checklists to a role instead of assigning a checklist or task to an individual employee, so everyone with that role will be able to see the checklist or task if it is assigned as role-based.
Further Additional Features Include:
- Timestamping ability
- Label individual tasks as “Urgent” with our new urgent checkbox
- Increased character limit for checklist/task descriptions
- Priority ordering of checklists
- Mobile PIN login
- Easily see manager notes
- And more!
Stay tuned for further updates to our checklist tool as we continue to roll out new features throughout the rest of the year.
Get a demo of our revamped operations & food safety modules to see how we can streamline your restaurants’ safety and operations, schedule a demo today – or give us a call at (888) 531-2090.